Saturday, July 28, 2012

Albuquerque Botanical Garden

After strolling through the aquarium, we sauntered over to children's fantasyland in the botanical gardens. There's a lovely horseshoe shaped bench made of glazed tiles that pieced together create a beautiful garden. All along the topside of the mosaic bench is a stream flowing through glazed ceramic rocks. There's also a colorful tiled pool spilling water into another pool. On the way to the enclosed butterfly garden, we stopped at this beautiful stained glass mosaic, then went on to feast our eyes on all sorts of butterflies.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Remembering July 24, 1977!

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012, Tom and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary!  We had planned a quiet night out to dinner, but little did we know that Jill and Rachel had planned a party. They started out by giving us money for dinner, but told us to save room for dessert. So Tom and I went to the Brick Oven. I had Primavera Pasta, and he had Spinach Canneloni. Even though we were relaxed and enjoying our meal, it didn't take very long because they weren't real busy. We even went for a little walk down to the end of the strip center and back to help make room for the dessert were going to have at home. We drive up to the house and take note that Perry's truck is in front of the house along with Jill and Rachel's cars, which is not unusual. As we're walking up the sidewalk I'm wondering what kind of dessert they've concocted. So when I open the front door my mouth drops open when there are friends in our living room shouting, "Surprise!" We had no clue!
There were two cakes-- chocolate and a small carrot cake, homemade mango salsa and chips, champagne, and flowers from Mom, and Judy & Mike! Rachel made a colorful paper chain with 35 links and strung it across the fireplace mantle! It was a lovely party and fun way to celebrate 35 years! Thank you, my sweet daughters and partying friends!

Braden and Rachel Karley, Rachel Hokanson, Perry Hall,
Amber and Sherri Karley, Emma Albin, and Jill Hokanson

Diane Albin, Jeri Lyn Sump, Ken Albin

Sherri Karley, Amber Karley, Emily Hohertz

Tom, Laurie Hohertz, Dolly Atkinson, Craig Hohertz

This is us!

Monday, July 2, 2012

A small tribute for my dear friend, Marilyn

Remembering Marilyn today on the 3rd anniversary of her passing over from the suffering and pain of a terrible illness to the care of Jesus' loving arms and the angels of heaven. I take comfort in knowing that Marilyn is in the Land of Glory with her Redeemer. Her sweet friendship, her perseverance, and her kind heart are a few of her stellar characteristics that I will always treasure.

Marilyn is wearing pink for her 30th wedding anniversary celebration 5 years ago. Our friend Kim wore a sparkly blouse. I went for the wilder side of 70's garb.