My sweet Tom said that even though I'm not his mother, he would buy me a Mother's Day gift this year. He wanted to know if I would like to pick out some new chairs for the front yard since our plastic ones were breaking and one got smashed by the tree trimmer's falling limb. I've dreamed about having real Adirondack for years. So long that I had almost forgotten about them. We looked online and decided that these locally made chairs would be the best choice for us. The chair-maker is from Bastrop and has a day job in Austin, so Tom met him at his office parking after work one day. It only took a couple of weeks for him to make them. Father's Day weekend I told Tom that even though he wasn't my father, I would paint the chairs for him for Father's Day. We went to Home Depot to look at paint and decided on Behr's "red pepper" for the chairs. It took most of last Saturday to put the first coat of paint on the chairs, but I'm totally pleased with their new look! Another project transformed with paint!